You Will Not Be Erased: An Open Letter to Trans and GNC People

To the One Who Needs to Hear This,

I want you to hear me when I say this: I see you. In a world that is trying so hard to erase you, to make you invisible, I see you. I see your strength, your resilience, and your right to exist exactly as you are. You are not a shadow. You are not a mistake. You are not a fleeting phase or a casualty of history. You are here, real and undeniable. Nothing… no policy, no law, no government… can take that truth away from you.

Right now, the weight of this world feels unbearable. Maybe you are one of the people being targeted by attacks on gender-affirming care. Maybe your right to participate in public life - whether in sports, education, or even just using the bathroom - is under threat. Maybe you are watching those in power, insulated by wealth and privilege, wield their cruelty like a weapon, determined to erase you through policy and force. This is not governance; it is oppression.

They do not seek order - they seek submission.

They want you exhausted, broken, questioning your worth, your truth, your right to take up space. But you are not theirs to control. None of this is abstract. It is real harm with real consequences, and it is happening to real people… people like you. 

Every day, the system tries to push you into corners, to force you into a definition that was never yours to begin with. It tells you to shrink, to bend, to contort yourself into something more acceptable, more digestible, something they can tolerate. And when you refuse, they try to break you. This is deliberate. This exhaustion, this grief, this fear… they are counting on it to wear you down. They want you to burn out. They want you to question everything you know about yourself. They want you to doubt your worth. They want you to believe that your existence is negotiable. But I need you to hear me on this: you are not small, and you are not going anywhere.

They will try to erase you, and they will fail. They will try to make you feel powerless, but your power has never come from their permission. It comes from your truth, your love, your community, and the unshakable fact that you are here, living a life that is yours to define. 

This fight is about more than survival. It is about living. Living with the understanding that you are worthy of joy, peace, and dignity… not later, not after the fight is won, but now. You deserve a life that is not just about pushing back against oppression but about embracing everything that makes you who you are. Your dreams, your laughter, your communities, the moments of care and joy that remind you why you keep going… those things matter; they are what make all of this worth it.

I won’t tell you it will be easy. There will be days when the weight of it all feels like too much. When the hatred feels louder than the love. When you wonder if you can keep doing this. And when those days come, I need you to remember this: you are not alone. There is a world full of people who see you, who care for you, who will fight for you and with you. We are here, standing beside you, lifting you up when you can’t carry it all on your own. You do not have to hold all of this by yourself. No matter what happens next, no matter how many times they try to push us down, we will rise again, together.

Because that is what we do. We rise for ourselves. We rise for each other. We rise for the next generation, for the ones coming after us, for the ones who need to see someone like them standing tall, refusing to disappear. We are not going anywhere.

And if nothing else stays with you after reading this, I want you to remember one thing:

You are enough.
You always have been.
You always will be.

With every ounce of love I have to give,



Guiding Values: The Core Principles That Shape My Work